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11:23 PM / Posted by Lukemus.Maximus /

Hey all,

I'm writing you all today in extreme excitement because I am in my final stages of preparation for my journey to Malaysia. Currently there is a HUGE mess on my floor as I am trying to get things packed. All that crap aside, I am excited to announce my new camera came today! :D

My old camera was stolen in Jamaica on my old cruise (as I mentioned in my last post), so I thought it would be a good idea to buy a new one! :P

In other news, my new sunglasses came yesterday. Haha. Yay for pre-vacation spending. Ironically enough, my old sunglasses were also stolen... Aren't I just the lucky one (sarcasm). Cool thing is that I got a free t-shirt with my new sunglasses which is pretty kickass. No it isn't one of them crappy free shirts most places give you, this one is a no shit badass shirt.

Anyway, since I got the camera, I thought I would upload a few pics from it. (Had to test it out and all ya know?)

This is my parents new puppy, Dash. She is the cutest thing ever. Such an absolutely sweet dog.

Dash sniffing for a spot to poo. :P

The shirt I talked about. See? Pretty damn good for being free! (Although I asked for black with white dots...)
Me showin' off mah stunnah shades. Yes I know it is a retarded pose. Get over it.

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