In A Land Far, Far Away...

7:12 PM / Posted by Lukemus.Maximus /

Well, well, well. I FINALLY got my freakin' first blog from Malaysia up. I've only been working on it since I got here (=_=). Anyway, I apologize for taking so long... Once I was finally about to post it, my laptop restarted and autosave had failed, forcing me to re-upload about half my pictures.

My flights from Portland, Oregon, USA to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were some of the best flights I have ever had the pleasure taking, at least service wise... I am totally and competely sold on asian airline companies. Over the years, I have flown multiple flights with american airline companies, and there is really no comparison on the quality of service. There is no denying the flight attendents for China Airline were far more professional and courteous than their American counterparts. The flight attendents with all of the american flights I have been on have been no were near as professional, and sometimes they are down right crabby.

Another thing I loved about my China Airline flight was the food. I have NEVER been on a flight were the food was actually GOOD. Every meal I had on both my China Airline flights was not just edible, but delicious! I was astounded.

My only complaint is that the people that were sitting behind me shouldn't have switched seats with this family of Chinese people. They wanted to keep their family together (there were 6 of them and three of them had seats right behind the people behind me). Why is this a bad thing you ask? Oh myabe because they sat their two little girls immediately behind me and excercised no control over their children. This lead to my chair getting kicked as hard as the little girl could ever 5-10 minutes, for MY ENTIRE 13+ HOUR TRANS-PACIFIC FLIGHT. I kid you not. This kid just kept kicking and kicking and kicking, and she did not stop! That, and every once in a while she would poke me in the arm... It was so bad, I hardly got any sleep and not even my sleeping pill knocked me out for more than a half hour at a time. Still, looking over this fact, the flights were very pleasant, and still the best I have been on. If China Airlines is (generally) the cheapest and lowest quality of the major international asian airline companies (which I have heard it is), I can only imagine how good the others must be.

The view of the movie screen from my seat on my Transpacific Flight.

The view from my seat on my Taiwan to Kuala Lumpur flight. This was so nice, it was one of those cool AVOD (Audio/Visual On Demand) things. It made this flight very nice.

Now, onto the food:

This was my first meal on my Trans-Pacific flight from San Fransisco to Taipei, Taiwan. The main meal was chicken with rice and steamed veggies. IT was actually really, really good. The salad (top left) was kinda weird and left something to be desired. The cake (top middle) was quite tasty. Now the thing that made this meal was the roll. That roll is one of the best I have ever had. No joke, it is better than most rolls I have gotten from actual restaurants. As for my drink, I only had water with this one because I was about to pop a sleeping pill and try to go to sleep...

Om nom nom. Breakfast! I got this shortly before starting to descend to land in Taipei. The main meal was decent. Powdered eggs which were better than most I have had in the past, and pretty good sausages. The Crossiant (bottom left) was pretty crappy, but oh well.

This was my meal on my Taipei to Kuala Lumpur flight. It was damn good. It was a seafood pasta that tasted amazing. I was shocked something so good was served on an airplane. The cake (top left) left something to be desired, and the mixed fruit tasted strongly of pineapple, but oh well. I was extremely pleased to find out they serve you a can of Asahi beer if you ask for beer as your beverage. ^_^

Look at this smorgasbord! This was all the food waiting for me the second I walked in littleplate's house. They were celebrating Easter/littleplate's mom's birthday, so we had a bunch of food to munch on! :D

A bit of the ever tasty Pai Tee. It consisted of cooked turnips, carrots, and fried garlic in some sort of a crunchy cup-like shell.

Mmmmm..... *drools*. Assam Laksa. This dish has noodles in a fish base broth with veggies n stuff in it. To be honest, I don't really know what was in this one, other than it had mint in it. :P

This and the next few pics are from the next morning when littleplate and I went to Hong Kee Dim Sum for... You guessed it: Dim Sum! This particular picture is one of carrot cake. It's not like the Carrot Cake we are used to in the US, it is made of white carrot which is fried. It's actually pretty tasty :D

I think this is my favorite of all the Dim Sum we had. Salad Har literally means Salad Prawn and that is just what it is. Small prawns fried in some sort of breading. Yummy.

I can't remember the name of this or the Dim Sum pictured below, but like everything else, they were damn good. This one seemed kinda slimy though. Don't get me wrong, it was still super delicious.

Oh Har Kou, I love you. Om nom nom. (For those of you that don't know what "Om nom nom" means, its supposed to imitate the sounds you make when you eat)

I snicker a lil bit whenever i hear the term Siu Mai. Those of you that actually know my girlfriend might know why. This is extremely tasty nonetheless. I want moreeeeeeee.

Okay, no more Dim Sum, now I got a picture of Ketupat and Rendang. Ketupat is the little rice triangles and the Rendang is delicous food made of chunks of beef cooked in a thick sauce made of spices that give it a pretty good touch of spiciness. This is one of my favorite things I have had while here.

Here I am with my newish friends Mizmanda (left) and base (middle) eating Taiwanese Barbequed Sausage. Imagine a Hot Dog but better. The meat is a bit more firm and tastes a LOT better. I would assume it is better for you too, though I don't know.

Black Sesame (left) and Red Bean (right) Tong Sui. These aren't mine, as I don't really care for Black Sesame and despised Red Bean. :P

Now this, this is mine. Damn was it good. It is called Strawberry Loh. What is Strawberry Loh? It is a shaved ice with sago and strawberries/strawberry syrup.

This was some kind of apple drink that I don't remember the name, but I do remember it was good, just like everything else in this country. lol.

Sadly, I didn't eat this one. This was base's Curry Wan Tan Mee, but it does look damn tasty.

Popiah. Basically streamed veggies wrapped up like an Egg Roll... sorta.

Hahaha. I threw these two pics in as a before picture (as in before and after), though this took place after the food in the preceeding pictures was eaten. :D

From this picture, with the prawns, down to the first Ikea picture is all pictures from the Sushi Buffet called Jagoya. It was alright, but definetely not worth the price. It was expensive even by US standards. This picture shows a few sashimi items from there including (but not limited to) the likes of tuna and salmon.

Here I am about to chow down on a piece of prawn sashimi.

For those that like coconut milk, this is a pretty badass place. Everything in Jagoya is all you can eat, including coconuts!

Steamed crab. I love crab and it was pretty good, but I wish I had gotten something else (you ask for items like this to be cooked for you) because this fairly small crab took some work to pick apart and eat.

This soup you make yourself by picking the ingredients and throwing them in the pot. It was okay, though we (me and littleplate) were both a bit too full to each much of it by the time we got around to eating it.

This was my baby's fried fish. It was decent and would have been a better choice than my crab.

Decent tasting prawns that had decent heat to them.

Unagi (Grilled Eel). Baby said it tasted sweet and soft, and overall good. I myself am not too big on unagi, so I didn't have any. Too many other options I love, you know?

This right here is something that does help compensate for Jagoya's outrageous price: all you can eat Haagen Dazs ice cream! This was a scoop of ever so delicous strawberry ice cream.

Baby's fried mochi! It was different from anything I am used to, but littleplate loved it.

Getting ready to inhale my Cookies and Creme Ice Cream.

Why is there a picture of the sign of the largest Ikea in Southeast Asia (I think it is)? The next picture explains all.

Their Swedish meatballs! Mwhahaha. The Ikea where I am from doesn't have a food court, so I've never had these before. Nice greasy goodness! :D


Comment by Basil on April 30, 2009 at 6:51 AM

its a post! wooo

Comment by Littleplate on April 30, 2009 at 10:21 AM

yea finally ey? thank me! thank me! i kicked his butt to finally FINISH it after such a long time... -_-

Comment by Lukemus.Maximus on May 1, 2009 at 12:50 AM


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